Saturday 14 December 2019

Winter roundup

Sunset 1st December 

19th November 
Meadowsweet in flower in November.
I've been busy with a lot of indoor projects for the last month or so including Quirky Tales and Scéalta Beo. This week I was at training as a new expert on the Heritage in Schools panel. The garden has been largely ignored as when I have had time the weather has not co-operated. Yesterday I harvested the rest of the Beetroot along with parsnips, kale and chard which are all still doing well. Most of the Pak Choi is feeding the slugs unfortunately. I may plant more under cover. Here are some photos from the month.

Tomatoes ripening inside. 22nd November.
2nd December 

3rd December

4th December
6th December
8th December 

13th December 
Holly and Strawberry trees

Alder and Rowan

The greenhouse needs to be cleared out.

Monday 18 November 2019

Sunny days, frosty nights

I've been busy all week trying  to finish this anthology: so haven't gotten near the garden apart from brief minutes here and there. Today's frost was the first I've photos  of even though there has been other frosty nights. I got out in the sun for awhile later today and decided to harvest the rest of the tomatoes even though they're still not ripe. I also gathered more Sunflower seeds for planting next year. I'm hoping to get more clearing done soon and to cover the veg beds for winter.

Frozen Kale.

Tomatoes dying off after frost.

I think something has been eating the Sunflower seeds.

Pond stayed frozen all day. 

The last of the tomatoes harvested today.