Brí Leith

The Síd of Brí Leith was, or still is, the home of Midir, one of the Tuatha Dé Danann, son of the Dagda. From here Midir guarded the veil that separates this world from the Otherworld and it was here he brought his new wife Etain to meet his first wife Fuamnach. You can find out more about their stories here.

Longford Tourism have recently completed a new loop walk on the hill with a plan to develop it further to Corlea Bog and on to meet the Royal Canal Greenway later. You can read more about that here.

I am lucky to have an ever-changing view of Brí Leith from my front window. These are some of the countless photos I have taken on the hill over the last few years. The High King at Tara had the rights to the bilberries of Brí Leith for the Lughnasa feast each year. Locals continue to gather in great numbers for a walk up the hill on Bilberry Sunday, the last Sunday in July each year since the tradition was revived in 2012.

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