Saturday, 28 September 2019

Changeable Autumn days

25th September, raining again.
27th September
Aubergine finally flowering. Doubt there will be any Aubergines at this stage. This was one of the Lidl seed pots, which had seemed to die early on, but reappeared later.

Still getting Courgettes every day.

And lots of tomatoes 

Corn might be dying off. Hopefully we'll get some before it does. 

Herbs sale in Ballymahon: Apple Mint, Chocolate Mint, Parsely and Tarragon 

The rest of this Willow got cut back. I will use all the cuttings for other projects.

The remaining trees got woven together more. 

28th September

More Willow woven into a fence. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Water every where

24th September 

None of the Cosmos flowered this year, but suddenly 18 buds have appeared on just one plant in a container out the front. 

Finished cutting back this Willow before more rain came.

Peas I didn't plant and Pak Choi growing.

Another pea plant growing in the grass.