Friday 1 November 2019

Last days of Autumn

29th October 
Corn dying after another frosty night.

It got the Cosmos too.

Most of them hadn't flowered yet.

Courgettes also suffered from the frost.

And the Nasturtiums have died off.

Organic garlic from Brendan Farrell planted here.

Still vegetables for harvesting. I'm impressed with the parsnips especially.

These must be in better shelter, still hanging on.

Little Amber tomato seeds from Brendan Farrell. 

Black Cherry seeds saved now too. 
Finally visited the dolmen in Aughnacliff on 30th October.

Hawthorn bush at the entrance to the field.
31st October

Lobelia still doing well.

100s of Nasturtium seeds. I'm collecting as many as I can and finding onions under the plants.

Lots more to do, but I had to go away.

Onions drying.

Finishing off Autumn at Tlachtga.

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