Sunday 10 November 2019

Winter colour

We are already ten days into winter. Things are a lot quieter in the garden and although I did do some jobs, like harvesting the rest of the onions, I don't have photos. The weather is colder, we've had more frost and lots more rain. The short days mean by 4pm it's time to come in. There's lots of mould forming in the greenhouse, which needs a good clear out and clean before I start sowing seeds for next year. The tomatoes are still hanging on though I got a big harvest during the week, but I think what's left might not get a chance to ripen. 
The light captured my attention yesterday and I took these pictures right before getting soaked in a downpour. 

Later the moon was shining through the trees when I went out to get some Kale and Chard for dinner. It should hopefully last the rest of the winter. The Pak Choi is coming on too, though some needs thinning. 

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