Wednesday 30 January 2019

Snow day

Snow and light around 8.30am

Sun shining on Brí Leith this afternoon.

This and photos above taken around 12.30pm 
Mist forming in sunshine over a field up the road.
Sun (and moon?) over Brí Leith around 4.30pm 
Woke up to a snow covered world today. The light was lovely early this morning and the sun shone all afternoon. I actually sat out in the garden for awhile. There was no real melt though and more is on its way overnight. I took the dog for a couple of walks, read a bit about growing vegetables in Ireland, went shopping before dark while roads were ok and ordered some seed compost.

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Real cold spell

There's been a cold spell forecast a few times lately, but it never really arrived. It looks like it is actually coming this time though. Here's Met Eireann's prediction for the next few days.
I was working again today so only got outside for an hour or so. I put some fairy lights in the greenhouse and started clearing the space I have decided to move trampoline to and found some good pots I had forgotten about under the long grass.

Monday 28 January 2019

Seeds and cardboard

I was working until after 3pm today, but got home just in time to meet the courier with my seeds from The Organic Centre. I just have to organise compost and seed trays now. The ground in the greenhouse was mainly mud with lumps and bumps from roots of meadowsweet, brambles, rushes and tough grasses so I cleared out some of these and covered the whole area with cardboard for now. I also brought a little table and chairs in out of the winter weather.

Sunday 27 January 2019

Polytunnel Up

Thanks so much to KSB Greenhouse for installing my new polytunnel today in the mud after a very stormy, wet night. I'm delighted with it, looking forward to growing lots this year.
I also roughly cleared this little area today. It was completely overgrown and still needs more work.


Stormy weather

We had a lot of rain today and loud wind tonight. Hopefully it will clear as promised tomorrow morning as my polytunnel is to be erected.

I only went out for a few minutes to gather rushes that I had left uncut for Brigid's cross making, which a few of us did this afternoon. There are several different styles which were traditionally created on the eve of St. Brigid's Day/Imbolc and hung over the door of the house or barn for protection for the rest of the year. Here are two I made today:

Saturday 26 January 2019

Airfield Estate

I was away at a meeting in Airfield Estate  in Dundrum today so no gardening done, but I did get to see their amazing organic  kitchen gardens and hear about all of their food production methods. Almost everything in their restaurant is produced onsite. Definitely an inspiring place.