Wednesday 23 January 2019

Always planning

Today it was almost dark before I got outside (too dark by 5.35pm). I decided to tackle the grass on the paths of the vegetable plot after seeing how much better it used to look in old photos. There's still a lot to do to get them back to being weed free.
Before I started that area I covered it with plastic for about a year and then dug out any remaining roots, put weed control fabric under the paths and in under the edges of the raised beds, which were filled with cardboard before adding soil and compost. Despite all this the whole area was under grass until recently, as it has been largely neglected for the last two summers. It's amazing how quickly nature reclaims land.
Hopefully this year I will get to keep up the practice of doing something almost every day and stay on top of weeds etc. The plan above is the whole garden pretty much as it was when I moved in. There was a fence across between the to sheds (grey squares) and everything behind that was completely overgrown, at least half covered in brambles (front garden at the bottom wasn't much better, but was easier to transform quickly).
Below is a plan for the right-hand side and the back where the trees will go. Everything to the left of the middle path will probably stay overgrown for another while at least.

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