Thursday 11 July 2019

A week in the garden

Friday 5th July
Swallows swooping down over the veg beds.

Spider nest in the Spinach.
Saturday 6th July

New gravel where the water runs towards the pond.

Started clearing here along the fence.

Getting ready for new soil.

Sunday 7th July

Enorma beans in flower.

They have already reached the top of the supports.

Soil in, ready for planting.

Wildflower bed continues to surprise.

Planting nearly done.

First Sweet Pea in flower.

Monday 8th July
Planting finished here.

Another bed ready to plant...

... and planted

Chamomile taking over.

This appeared near the pond. It must have been in s wild flower pack.

New Mallow in flower.

Another Vetch species.
Tuesday 9th July
Nasturtiums flowering.

Clearing along the fence.

Wednesday 10th July
We had tours on Tuesday and Wednesday, so not a lot of time in the garden on Tuesday, but I did get started on a new trellis to support the Sweet Pea and Sunflowersalong the fence and added some soil there. Wednesday was fairly wet in the afternoon/evening so I just took photos of Tuesday's work and tried to put some shape on some of the tomatoes which have gone a bit wild with the heat in the last week or so. I also gave them a nettle water feed recently. I'm not sure if the Black Cherry ones are meant to be a bush variety, but they seem to be growing that way so I have left some of them to see what happens.

Sunflowers and Sweet Pea in place, more trellis to be made.

Thursday 11th July
So far today I've just made one more part of the trellis. I hope to get two more out of the roll of wire and will hopefully finish the bed and plant the Sunflowers and Sweet Pea later.

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