Saturday 3 August 2019

Natural dyes experiments 2

Rainbow Chard which is gone to seed looks like it should give good colour.

Carrot tops steeping in boiling water.

I boiled the Chard and Carrot tops for awhile then left them in the three saucepans overnight. 

Dye strained out of Chard

I then boiled the fabric (which was 100% cotton, washed but no mordant used) in the dyes for awhile and left to steep for several hours (some overnight again).

These bits were dyed in a cold turmeric dye.

This one was dyed with Chamomile flowers.

First Chamomile experiment (right).

Most of the Chamomile is almost finished flowering. I was impressed with the colour on the first fabric scrap, so gathered more flower heads to try it overnight. 

I also tried a few Lovage leaves which also gave a deep colour (Chamomile pictured)

Dyes in jars after experimenting. 

The colours in the photos are not as well defined as in reality. Both colours of Chard gave disappointing pale grey/beige. Carrot tops gave a pale greenish yellow. The Lovage and Chamomile gave the nicest shades of yellow. Turmeric gave a deep colour easily at first, but it has faded in the week since. I only tried a little Lovage with no mordant, so will definitely try more. The plant in the background is Woad which I have grown from seed, but it's too small to experiment with yet. 

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