Thursday 20 June 2019

A whole week without posts

This last week has been the busiest so far this year. Thursday, Friday and Saturday were spent away and I got home early Sunday, but was gone again much of the day. Monday was spent preparing for Tuesday's tour group, weeding and sweeping the patio and paths at the centre and moving furniture around. Tuesday evening I was invited to a meeting of Longford Environmental Alliance at Ardagh Village Landscapes and got another lovely tour of the garden. Wednesday we were at a Fáilte Ireland training day in Athlone and today (Thursday) we had to meet the sign installers to place the Ardagh Tree Fairy signs at Creative Ardagh and on the Brí Leith trail. Tomorrow we have to meet another sign maker in the morning and have another tour in the afternoon and I am planning to go to the rare plant sale at Tullynally castle on Saturday. Between all of that there have been some jobs done in the garden and a couple of dinners made from the produce.
Photos from Sunday 16th June. More posts from the past week coming soon.

First Chives, Sunday 16th June

Suddenly more Scabious have appeared.

First Verbena, 16th June

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