Tuesday 11 June 2019

Monday 10th June

Both boxes survived the first night, and everything seems to have grown since yesterday. 

Flowers moved awaiting planting. 

Weeds removed from Strawberry bed 

And around the other bed edges.

Tomatoes got strings.

Cucumber planted here ...

... and here.

Started moving bigger plants to fill gaps. 

First Catnip

I found this tiny Sweet Pea plant growing in with the tomatoes, the seed must have gone in with compost.

Pennyroyal sprouted in the sealed bag.

First Sage seedling.

Livingstone Daisies got new pots.

More Lobelia potted on.

More Flossflowers planted on.
Going away Thursday for a few days, so I have been trying to make sure everything has the best chance to survive my absence. This means getting some seedlings into bigger containers or outside and eliminating slug ladder weeds as much as possible. I've been collecting slugs from the beds at night and putting them in the compost and cut grass piles hoping they might be happy to stay there. It's still cold, changeable weather so lots of wet grass for them.

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