Thursday 13 June 2019

Tuesday 11th June: Wild Meadow

There's been lots of growth in what was the lawn and a surprising amount of flowers have appeared. I'm amazed at the number of different grasses too. The Wildflowers and pond plants I planted are also starting to look well.
I finished potting on anything that had grown too big for it's container and moved more outside Wegnesday before going away on Thursday. Everything was well watered, but will be checked on and topped up while we're away too.

Winter Salad planted out.

Common Bugloss planted on.

Woad reported.

Brussel Sprouts planted on.

Dill planted on.

Marigolds potted out.

Sunset over Brí Leith. 

Auberitas planted on.

Foxgloves flowering. 

Glenveagh flower mix planted on. 

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