Sunday 30 June 2019

Hot, sunny Saturday

All survived the night without slug damage. I'm hoping it's because the garlic spray actually works. I put some on all the pots and some other plants Friday night. 

More flowers appear here daily and it's constantly full of bees.

These all survived the first night in the ground too.

It was too warm in the afternoon to do anything more here. I sat and pulled weeds from veg beds instead.

Chinese Globeflower

The second Meadow Rue is finally flowering.

Chamomile in bloom.

Sweet Pea waiting to be planted out.

Honeysuckle in bloom on the Willow fence 

Deciding where to plant the black Elderflower.

Sheild bug liked my skirt.

Chamomile, Lemonbalm and Mint tea 

Dinner harvest, the last of the greenhouse potatoes, mangetout, kale and onions.

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