Thursday 6 June 2019

Under water

It's now lunch time Thursday and the rain hasn't stopped. Apart from March, which was very wet, it's hard to remember when we had so much rain. The photos taken yesterday show lots of puddles, some in places that never flooded before. The pond is much deeper and has water flowing into it from different directions. Everything is growing quickly, including the weeds. As there are no urgent jobs, I've concentrated on sorting spaces inside which I've been putting off. Lots of the flowering plants could have been planted out this week, but more time in the greenhouse won't do them any harm. Some of the Sunflowers needed stakes yesterday and watering had to be done there and in the shade bed under the tree, despite the rain. There's no big improvement forecast for the next few days, though the rain should change to showers. I've had the heat on during the day in June, for probably the first time ever.

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