Friday, 31 May 2019

Losing the slug battle

One of my Rowan trees has these leaf blotches. It doesn't seem to match any of the leaf spot descriptions I can find.

More slug damage.

And more, despite the copper tape and removing lots of them. I saw 3 big ones happily crossing the slug barrier outside later too. 

I removed the bottom side shoots and any others that had grown on the tomatoes. It's hard to tell on some with frost damage which bit is a side shoot, and whether or not I should leave the stronger growth. 

These Butterfly Mix seeds have outgrown the trays.

So they got new pots.

I moved all pots away from the edges of the greenhouse where slugs seem to be able to get to them at any level. They seem ok this morning, so maybe it worked. Most of these will be moving outside soon away from the tomatoes. 

It's beginning to look like a proper garden. Lots more weeding to be done again though.

The greenhouse Spinach has gone to seed a bit. The outside crop is coming on nicely now though.

Bee Mix seedlings repotted just before dark. 

Thursday, 30 May 2019

... and Wednesday

Livingston Daisy potted on. There are a few small ones and this one. I don't think more will appear now. 

The Snapdragons were very overcrowded and not doing great. The 12 bigger ones are in little pots now and the rest have more room in other pots. They look better today (Thursday).

Marigolds popping up. 

I potted on a few more Flossflowers after this. 

Wildflower Butterfly mix getting big here, I'm waiting until they are a lot bigger before planting out as the last ones just vanished overnight, but they may need potting on first.

Lobelia which were potted on later. The small ones are still in the tray.

I didn't expect anything from this old seed mix, but couple of things appeared in one tray.

The Irish Seed Savers seeds are almost all coming on well now.

More slug damage on a Sunflower.

Clearing and weeding to battle hiring slugs. 

This pot full of weeds and grass came out of greenhouse. Lots more to do, but it got too dark (around 10.20pm)

I invested in a roll of copper tape to stop slugs, it only did 8 pots though. I also got wool-based barrier pellets that are chemical free and safe, but it was too dark and wet to put them out, so I just did one plant that slugs seem to love. I'll see if it works. I went around the garden several times with a torch again and removed any I found, but each time I went back more had appeared. The Sweet Pea is most at risk as barriers can't really be used and there's long grass the other side of the fence which they use as ladders. 

Monday, Tuesday

I am still having an issue with photos only backing up when the app is open, so I have a backlog again. I actually didn't take one photo on Monday, which is very unusual. I spent the day planning to do things, but not really getting to anything. I made up for it Tuesday and took over 80 pics, so a selection are below. It has been a wet week so far, and more rain is to come over the next few days, some sun has appeared at times too. This means lots of growth, and lots of slugs and weeds.

The first tomato flower.

Courgettes potted and moved outside.

Cucumbers moved out too.

Lots of Roses coming out now, and lots more to come.

Sweet Pea doing well. 

This is growing in a compost heap, I don't know what it is. 

Dyer's Woad, Weld and Bugloss seeds sown

This bed still needs a bit of work before Squash and Sweetcorn go in here.

Peas got a bit more support with old Dogwood branches.

Yarrow starting to come up.