Sunday 12 May 2019

Slugs, snails and puppy dog tales

Kerria Japonica growing new shoots and flowers.

There's been lots of growth in the last few days.

Thyme-leaved Speedwell in front lawn. It's tiny.

Planting berry bushes


A Currant of some sort. These came to me from a neighbour. Planted in front lawn now, which may become a mini-orchard.

Potting out the herbs

I moved this Heather from a pot. It appeared in a vegetable bed last year. 

The Basil, Rosemary and Tarragon will go in here.

Some of the bulbs finally sprouting.

The tale about the dog involves fixing the pond edges with more rocks. She keeps picking the worst ways to get to the water and knocks things in. All edges are more secure now. Some plants moved slightly too. 

There was a Swallow circling and swooping. Didn't manage to get her on camera though.

Found a Clematis I thought was long dead.

Makeshift seat in the last of the sun.

This is an Ark,

The tree was full of birds.

New pinecones 

All the herbs moved in for the night, except the mint which has been out all winter anyway.

Hopefully the last night of frost for awhile.

The Wildflowers are hardy enough.

Outdoor temperature around 10pm.

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