Wednesday 15 May 2019

May blooms

22 more Sunflower seeds sown. Hopefully these ones will sprout.

I added more Lettuce mix in the gaps.

Dead Strawberries removed (this veggie soil doesn't suit them) and Aubergine seedlings transplanted.

This guy landed on me at speed. Not sure what it is.

Rose cutting trying to flower.

I got back to this bed at last.

Lots of rocks just under the surface at the back. 

Neighbours' Hawthorn in full bloom.


Wedding Cake Tree.

Front bed, lovely at this time of year.


Primroses still flowering.

Chives about to flower.

Another Weiglia.



This Peoney has never flowered.

This has been in flower since Autumn. It's just coming to an end for now.

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