Friday 17 May 2019

Thursday delivery

There are more Pond Skaters every day.

The first climbing Rose.

Delivery from Future Forests.

All well wrapped with straw which will go around the Strawberries.

Fruit bushes and more for the pond margins.

Lots of straw.

I tried out several layouts. 

I intended cutting the grass before planting, but heavy rain appeared in the afternoon.

View from inside the house.

The first potatoes from the greenhouse. 

With Spinach.

The little Oak seems to be recovering again.

Hawthorn blooms.

The Courgettes are mostly closed up. 

Cosmos getting big. More seeds were added here earlier in the week. 

Sweetcorn plants.

These two tomatoes are still very different sizes despite the exact same conditions. 

Beans back inside for the night.

Everything is growing well so far. Lots of thinning to be done.

Sun trying to shine after the rain. 

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