Monday 27 May 2019

The weekend

I didn't get around to putting up posts Saturday or Sunday, so here's an update. The tomatoes planted out Friday were only photographed the next day. They seem to be happy in their new spot and recovering a bit from the earlier frost damage.

About 40 new Cosmos plants have appeared since I planted on the bigger ones. They're growing quickly, so will need potting or planting out soon. 

The bag of Record potatoes is starting to grow, I don't know if they'll actually yield any potatoes, but we'll see. 

Outdoor Spinach growing fast now.

The Thyme I thought the frost had killed is recovering.

Peas getting big and flowering.

Lettuce beside them starting to grow too. 

The grass is back in the Beetroot bed.

Purple Sprouting Broccoli needs thinning. 

Kale growing well.

These two birds were flying around for ages. They settled there together briefly and flew off again. 

Ragged Robin planted out.

The Rudbeckia seeds still haven't appeared and I had no luck with the root cuttings either so I got two plants. This one was very pot bound. They are in two different beds, and hopefully will survive for a long time. 

I'm not sure what this shrub is. I bought it a few years ago and it's growing along the fence. Just starting to flower now.

Marigold seeds sown. 

20 Sunflowers potted up. Unfortunately slugs got two of them since, so they are now higher up. 

I spent a few hours cutting grass on Sunday, but didn't take a photo. I also took the growing tips off the next Sweet Pea plants and took more photos of flowering shrubs and plants around the garden. 

Cuckoo flower in the lawn.

Speedwell in the grass.

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