Friday 31 May 2019

Losing the slug battle

One of my Rowan trees has these leaf blotches. It doesn't seem to match any of the leaf spot descriptions I can find.

More slug damage.

And more, despite the copper tape and removing lots of them. I saw 3 big ones happily crossing the slug barrier outside later too. 

I removed the bottom side shoots and any others that had grown on the tomatoes. It's hard to tell on some with frost damage which bit is a side shoot, and whether or not I should leave the stronger growth. 

These Butterfly Mix seeds have outgrown the trays.

So they got new pots.

I moved all pots away from the edges of the greenhouse where slugs seem to be able to get to them at any level. They seem ok this morning, so maybe it worked. Most of these will be moving outside soon away from the tomatoes. 

It's beginning to look like a proper garden. Lots more weeding to be done again though.

The greenhouse Spinach has gone to seed a bit. The outside crop is coming on nicely now though.

Bee Mix seedlings repotted just before dark. 

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