Sunday 12 May 2019

Hedgerow finds

Wild Strawberries 
 I finally brought a camera on a walk up the road with the dog. The hedgerow changes all the time, there's great variety in it which is good to see. The Primroses and Violets are just about finished, but lots more in flower now. Hawthorn has taken over from Blackthorn, which flowers earlier before it gets its leaves. There's signs of lots to come too. I could have taken more photos, but was juggling dog and camera, and then one of the cats joined us for fun.

Ferns unfurling 

Purple Vetch

Hawthorn buds

This was the only Dog Violet I could find, there were loads last week. The grass has grown up a lot around them since.

Yellow Vetch will flower later.


Hawthorn flowers.

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