Monday 20 May 2019

Everything is growing!

I had planned to put beans here, but they should all fit in one bed, so there's room for a Courgette or Squash instead. Mangetout growing well behind.

The Beans got left out for the night, luckily there was no frost.

The first flower on the Irish Green Pea. 

Outdoor lettuce starting to get big.

The first Auberitas are up.

Livingston Daisies and Snapdragons.

I can't believe how much is growing here after 4 days.

First Sunflowers peeping out.

Table Queen Acorn Squash.

Winter Greens Mix starting to appear.

Spinach and Lettuce growing fast now. I've been eating lots of the leaves.

This Cherry Tree was here when I moved in. This is the first time I saw Cherries though. It has had Blossom Droop other years.

I probably should thin these out. They appeared from last year's seed I think.

More Cheeries, these are on a runner from the main tree. 

Bees love this flower.

Sweet Pea doing well.

One of Brendan's Hazels happily growing in long grass. 

I'm not sure what caused the hole, but most of the seedlings here have vanished. I think I need to wait until they are bigger to plant out.

I'm leaving all the Vetch and other 'weeds' for the bees this year. 

Time to start pinching out side shoots on the Tomatoes. 

Rosemary, Basil and Tarragon planted inside the greenhouse.

Courgettes getting bigger by the day.

Cosmos might need more water or to be planted out. 

Black Cherry Tomatoes will go here when the potatoes are finished. 

Iris flowering.

Little Oak looking well.

Some of the Rose cuttings are flowering. Not sure they will actually root though.

The transplanted Hosta doesn't look great, but has new growth so hopefully will recover.

This bed always looks best at this time of year.

The Hostas are quite hidden now. I will probably move them before next Summer.

This Aqueligia is also hiding in long grass

Currants forming. I don't know what colour they will be. 

Lots of Gooseberries too.

Raspberry flowers.

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