Tuesday 30 April 2019

Problems and new plants

Slug damaged.

Growing well.

Pond seemed to be getting greener all day.

More slug damage.

Cats drinking.

Slugs nibbling again!

I skimmed off as much of this scum as I could and potted the other oxygenator plant which is now in the pond. I hope it just needs time to find a balance. 

I bought some new plants when I went to Fernhill for aquatic pots today. All are now planted. This one is Meadow Rue, Black Stockings.

I was disappointed to find lots of slug damage and the pond turning green this morning. I didn't expect algae growth so quickly, but hopefully it will sort itself out once the plants get more established. I took a trip to Athlone to get pots for the last two plants which are now in place. I also bought some more perennials and planted them out later. I went out on a couple of slug hunts before and after dark and removed any I found from the beds area.

Sunday 28 April 2019

Potting on and planting out

Plastic pots added over Kale and Broccoli seedlings as slug guards.

First outdoor lettuce up today.

Potato flower.

Lidl Carrots planted outside.

Moved bricks along edges here.

Lemon Balm potted on.

The first Sweet Pea plants were planted outside today and these ones were potted on. 

Aubergine potted on. 

Corriander and Thyme potted on. 

Wild Flower seed thrown in here.

Tray of Bee Mix seeds sown. 

Saturday 27 April 2019

Trees and weeds and plans

Orange-tipped butterfly on Vetch

Potatoes starting to flower.

I think these are from last year's wild flower seeds, but will have to wait and see. 

Unusual Willow

Crab Apple trer

Rowan tree 

Speedwell growing near new trees.

A new fern.

Oak tree.

I'm thinking of adding lots of wild flowers here.

Hazel tree.

Blackberry bush.

Raspberry bush.

The pond today. Most of the plants are fairly wind-battered. Hopefully they will recover.

The first Beetroot popping up.

Runner Beans got really big since yesterday.

Trench for Sweet Pea.

Compost added.