Saturday 6 April 2019

Great day

Chervil sprouting. 
It was a lovely day today and I had no where else to be so I got lots done including planning and inspecting. It was bright until near 9pm, but very cold by then.

New Spindle and Hazel trees

Starting on the raised bed

New small bed.

Finished, just needs more topsoil.

Another bed filled.

The temperature reached 40° before I opened the doors. It was cool and dull earlier, but sunny all afternoon and evening.

All vegetable beds finally full. The end of the third bag of Veggie Mix went on the new fruit/herb bed.

It's getting easier to tell what the new trees are. This is a Rowan. 


Hazel (I think).

This is a Cherry that planted itself.

Crab Apple

Another Hazel.

The recently planted Weiglia and Dogwood seem to be doing well here.

Daffodil that never got planted out.


It's beginning to look like a real garden.

New trees getting their roots soaked.

One Spindle went beside the fence
Three Hazel went in here.

Ladybird on light solar panel.

Two more Hazel here. 

Another Spindle beside the old logs

Primroses still flowering.


Lovage coming back to life.

The third Spindle tree went in tbe front bed.

Laying out pots for planting.

Making supports for peas.

Irish Green Peas this side

Early Onward peas this side. I will finish off the rows with more seeds later.

An old Mint plant reappearing.

Peas and Mangetout planted out.

Onions planted and Leeks and Spring Onions in place. They seemed a bit small to handle and it was getting cold.

Forsythia and a couple of other perennials to go here.

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