Tuesday 30 April 2019

Problems and new plants

Slug damaged.

Growing well.

Pond seemed to be getting greener all day.

More slug damage.

Cats drinking.

Slugs nibbling again!

I skimmed off as much of this scum as I could and potted the other oxygenator plant which is now in the pond. I hope it just needs time to find a balance. 

I bought some new plants when I went to Fernhill for aquatic pots today. All are now planted. This one is Meadow Rue, Black Stockings.

I was disappointed to find lots of slug damage and the pond turning green this morning. I didn't expect algae growth so quickly, but hopefully it will sort itself out once the plants get more established. I took a trip to Athlone to get pots for the last two plants which are now in place. I also bought some more perennials and planted them out later. I went out on a couple of slug hunts before and after dark and removed any I found from the beds area.

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