Monday 1 April 2019

April already

Carrot peeping out

Tops cut off Sweet Pea to encourage bushier growth. 

Raspberry bed clearance started today.

This flower bed got some new soil added and is ready for planting now.

This was to be a raised bed, but I think it will become a storage box/seat beside the new pond instead. 

Planning the pond area. The liner is 3m×4m, allowing for overlapping edges and varoius depths I think this should work. It's max 2.5mx1.8m. 

I cut back a bit of this Fuschia which was growing to one side and stuck a cutting from it in the ground along the fence.
I was planning to do more on the Raspberry bed today, but I didn't start anything until afternoon and it started to rain around 6pm so I just brought in the plants that were out and did some watering. There's a ice/snow warning for tonight, though I doubt we'll have much.

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