Sunday 31 March 2019

Plant Fair, Rhubarb and Comfrey

Watering done, seedlings moved outside in the sun and a better picture of yesterday's cleared bed this morning before a trip away.

Spring Plant Fair at Claregalway Castle today and purchases below.
Snake's Head Fritillary

 I finished the bed and added new soil after I came home.
This Rhubarb was very pot-bound. It seemed to have died before being planted out last year, but reappeared this year. Hopefully it will get a chance to grow now.

Comfrey root pieces.

Comfrey grows quite big so I put three in here with three foot gaps.

The Thyme is up.

The garden this evening in the sun.

Saturday 30 March 2019

Weeding and moving things

I moved five Astilbes from the big front bed to here. 

Did a bit of weeding and nettle clearing here while looking for the Astilbes.


Added nettles to the water here. Needs topping up and time to make a good plant feed.

Cucumber appearing.

I spent most of the day at this bed. It was almost cleared of roots before dark. 

Friday 29 March 2019

Moving soil again

Rhubarb planted.

I was working this morning, so it was late  afternoon before I got outside. I added soil to the bed I was clearing last night and planted the first Rhubarb and then spent the evening moving soil into some of the unfinished beds so they will be ready for planting soon. I went over most of them with the hoe again first. It was almost bright enough to see until 7.49pm.

Thursday 28 March 2019

Bits and pieces

It was a lovely Spring day today so I decided to start acclimatising some of the seedlings by bringing them outside for a few hours.
Salad Mix has appeared.

Basil and Lemon Balm starting to grow. 

All the potted Strawberries will fit here once the bed is ready.

Sweet Pea in the sunshine.

Relaxed cat.

Black Cherry tomatoes ready for potting on.

Transplanted Tomatoes

Almost ready for Rhubarb.