Monday 18 March 2019

Weeding again

Catkins on a Willow that self-seeded in the front bed.

This has been flowering all winter.

Still lots more flowers to come. 

An Astilbe getting ready to sprout again. 

The clearance before a break.

Lots more to do. 

Maybe halfway. It's very slow work. 

I got the grass along the edge cleared all the way between heavy rain showers.
I continued weeding the front bed today. It's mostly buttercups and grass, but is very slow to do as there are lots of plants getting ready to grow under the weed cover. A lot of the weeds need to be pulled by hand and buttercups prefer to break than bring their roots out with them. I plan to move many of the plants from here to other parts of the garden as soon as the beds are prepared. I will then put in more shrubs here such as Dogwood, Weiglia and I'm thinking of getting some more Roses. There was one old small white Rose here before I moved in which just flowers once a year.

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