Sunday 10 March 2019

Changeable day

Peas and Mangetout getting bigger.

Sweet Pea and Red Onions ready for transplanting.
Potaoes pushing through again.

I earthed up the potatoes again because there's more frost promised tonight.

More Lidl seed pots sown today: Cherry Tomato, Basil, Dill, Coriander and Cucumber.

I finished tidying up here, took the rotten wooden squares away and added more gravel.
Today was the most changeable day yet. We had sun, rain, sleet and snow. I didn't get out for too long. It was very cold and too windy to do more with the willow tunnel, but the ground was a bit drier and it was more sheltered beside the greenhouse so I continued clearing the grass and briars from the area for soft fruit. I could still only do what I could reach from the path. Because it gets so wet here I think I will have to use raised beds and paths and maybe a drain of some sort.

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