Friday 15 March 2019

More lights and roots

I added 20 more lights along paths and around the lawn today.

The tomatoes I potted on earlier in the week aren't looking too good. I probably should have waited until they were a bit bigger to move them, but they didn't seem to be happy where they were either. Hopefully a few will survive. I moved the Moneymaker tomato pots back out to the greenhouse today too. They have been on the windowsill in the kitchen for about two weeks but nothing has grown yet. I think it actually gets hotter in the greenhouse than the house ever does, although it cools down more too. I have kept the other tray of seedlings (Black Cherry) inside for now. 

The ground was a bit drier especially in the higher areas today, so I took another lot of grass and roots out of the soft fruit area this afternoon. I really need to get it sorted and get things in the ground soon, but unfortunately there is another yellow rainfall alert for tonight and tomorrow morning. It was still very windy today too. I had a class this morning and didn't get out until late afternoon, but I was outside until 7.12pm today before it got too dark to see.

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