Friday 8 March 2019

Weaving and sowing

The first of the spinach has appeared.

The potatoes are reappearing too. 

Almost all the peas and mangetout are up now.

I sowed Green Vegetable Seeds' Bee and Butterfly Mix today. There's 5 or 6 seeds in each of the 40 little pots. 

I tidied this up a bit more and added another bag of gravel as I had to rush off yesterday. 

I can't remember a week with so much rain in a very long time. It rained all morning again and only cleared off around 3pm. It was quite cold and windy too. I still can't do a lot around the greenhouse where I want to put soft fruit as it is very wet, so I spent a couple of hours trying to fix up the willow fence, especially the part where my white rambling rose is growing. Some of the original main supports were old branches which have since rotted and parts have been well battered by the wind this year. I added some more willow and used some twine to weave some bits together too.

Lidl have their free seed pots again this year. They come with a disc of soil which needs hydrating to expand and seeds in paper ready to drop on top. I didn't have much luck last year with anything apart from the lemon balm, but I am trying again anyway. Today I sowed Aubergine, Lemon Balm, Spring Onion, Radish and Carrot.

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