Sunday 10 March 2019

Tunnel and Dogwood

The tomato seedlings are doing much better since they moved inside. There's another snow/ice warning at the moment, so I will keep them in for awhile more.

Most of these ones appeared since they came in.

I pruned back a Dogwood bush that is crowding the bush beside it. I had intended moving the smaller bush while it was dormant, but the soil is waterlogged all week and it's getting all its leaves, so I don't want to risk the move now.  

I stuck the cut bits into the ground here. They may or may not root. If they do they should help drainage of this area.

I was over ambitious with a willow tunnel last year and never finished it properly so it has gotten fairly battered over the winter. 

I was away this morning so it was near 5pm when I got outside. I tried to strengthen the best part of the tunnel mainly using branches from the collapsed end.

It should last awhile longer now.

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