Friday 22 March 2019

More seeds sprouting

Spring Onion, Dill and Carrot have appeared.

Black Cherry tomatoes almost ready for transplanting.

The first of the Lettuce Surprise Mix are up.

Lots more Chamomile sprouted.

Nigella beginning to peep out.

The Dogwood prunings look like they are going to flower.

The very first Spring Onion just up. 
I had a lot of coming and going to do again today so I continued with the circle flower beds whenever I got a chance. I will take a photo tomorrow. It was another changeable day. Wet in the morning, sunny and showery all afternoon and wet again by 7pm. Next week might actually be dry though. I've ordered a topsoil/compost mix for the fruit and flower beds, so hopefully I will finally make some progress on them then.

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