Thursday 28 February 2019

Moving soil again

I didn't take many photos today, but I did move a lot of wheelbarrows full of soil to the vegetable beds. There's still two ready for filling and two still to be cleared of strawberries, shrubs from cuttings and weeds.
Some of the beds that were ready needed a bit more weeding now and while I was at that I decided to remove the long grass around the trampoline so I could move it too. I needed some help for that, but it is now in its new position. I cut some of the ivy back off the shed first so that it could go back more in that direction. I may try to clear another few feet behind it later to move it back a bit more.

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Last vegetable bed

We had our first tour group of 2019 today so I didn't get out to the garden until near 5pm this evening. I spent well over an hour weeding the last vegetable bed that I edged yesterday. I got all the big meadowsweet and briar roots out and as much of the grass roots as I could before it got too dark, but this bed was never done before so there's a huge network of roots. I decided in the end to just add a thick layer of newspaper and hope it and the new soil will be enough to keep down the grass.

Wood and pots to keep the paper there overnight. I'll fill this bed tomorrow.

The new lights are working well. 
There was a bat circling around here when I was coming in. Didn't manage to catch it on camera. Fog was descending over the hill too. 

Patio expansion

These stones came from a beach trip last year.

Happy cat in the sun.

All of these have grown a lot since yesterday. 

Some of the wood and stones here were moved over in front of the greenhouse. 

I added this extra section of patio today.

This area got its edging this evening.

Lights in the dark.

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Shelves, trees and a patio

The first lavender seedling appearing

Willow trees replanted.
I couldn't access my photos to upload yesterday, so this is a bit late. I am trying to use anything useful that is lying around here, there was lots of random things left by the previous owners and more that I have gathered in the last five years. Yesterday I started with a tidy up in the greenhouse, and I created two sets of shelves and organised things a bit better. I moved outside then, (it was a lovely sunny day) and cleaned up a bit there. I cleared some weeds and used the stuffing of an old matress as weed control around two little paddling pools. I built one up on blocks so water will fall from it into the lower one. These will be used for rainwater collection for watering the greenhouse. The long term plan is to move an old bath from the shed here too and create a mosaic around them all. Hopefully I will get to that later in the year. For now I used the sand and some old tiles and paving stones to create a little patio outside the greenhouse. It's not fully finished yet.

Monday 25 February 2019

More clearance

I kept at this area today and made good progress on clearing it. I still have a bit to do, but I think there should be lots of room for the trampoline here now. I found a tree in a pot, bamboo canes, lots of pots and several ladybirds. I also put little solar lights along the path and around the vegetable patch.

Tree in a pot, possibly a birch. 

I bought some white tiles and paint yesterday and decided to paint some of my doodles on to them. I will use them somewhere in the garden later.

Saturday 23 February 2019

Pottering around

It's been awhile since I stayed out until I couldn't see what I was doing, but as I didn't get out until late afternoon today I stuck at it until 6.42pm. I've just checked and that's 19 minutes longer than 11th February. Today started out a bit wet, but the afternoon was lovely. It's quite warm for February and the sun actually came out too.
I went to B&Q and Fernhill Garden Centre in Athlone this morning and got some sand, a rhubarb plant and a couple of other bits.
The first tomato seedling has appeared. 

Lots of new growth on the chocolate mint.

I checked on the comfrey roots that are wrapped and in damp sand waiting for when it is warm enough to plant them out. I may plant them in pots first, but decided they were ok where they are for now.

This bed got it's edging today. I also had to remove another willow tree. I will replant both of them in the next day or two. 

The first sign of green on one of the new trees.

I started clearing this area, it's full of old garden furniture on now rotten pallets. It's part of the new area for the trampoline which needs to move soon. 
Some progress before dark. 

Friday 22 February 2019

Taking shape

Sweet Pea getting bigger.

Red onion doing well too.

I cleared this area before lunch, chopped back the hedge, removed a willow tree and found stones for around the edge. It's quite shaded for much of the day and already has weed control fabric down, so I am going to get gravel for it and use it for pots.

My seeds from Brown Envelope Seeds arrived in the post today. I love how easy it now is to get Irish organic seed delivered to my door. I only ordered these online Wednesday night.

 I started this bed after lunch. It's another area that was never really used before. Half of it was under the old path and the rest was never finished. It was easy enough to clear though and is now over half filled with the Veggie Mix soil. The first bag of it is now empty. I think I will fill the other beds that are ready before I clear the last few beds, but I may change my mind tomorrow.

This area is really coming together now. 

Another beautiful sunset 

I plan to develop a proper rain water collection area around that little blue pool at some stage in the future.