Saturday 23 February 2019

Pottering around

It's been awhile since I stayed out until I couldn't see what I was doing, but as I didn't get out until late afternoon today I stuck at it until 6.42pm. I've just checked and that's 19 minutes longer than 11th February. Today started out a bit wet, but the afternoon was lovely. It's quite warm for February and the sun actually came out too.
I went to B&Q and Fernhill Garden Centre in Athlone this morning and got some sand, a rhubarb plant and a couple of other bits.
The first tomato seedling has appeared. 

Lots of new growth on the chocolate mint.

I checked on the comfrey roots that are wrapped and in damp sand waiting for when it is warm enough to plant them out. I may plant them in pots first, but decided they were ok where they are for now.

This bed got it's edging today. I also had to remove another willow tree. I will replant both of them in the next day or two. 

The first sign of green on one of the new trees.

I started clearing this area, it's full of old garden furniture on now rotten pallets. It's part of the new area for the trampoline which needs to move soon. 
Some progress before dark. 

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