Monday 11 February 2019

Moving soil

I had an unexpected delivery of a second bag of Veg Mix soil this morning. There was a mix up with my woodchip order which has been sorted since, but I decided as it was this far I might as well keep it for the outside beds which will need filling soon too. The only problem is that I now have two pallets outside my gates, so I spent the day with a wheelbarrow moving soil around to the raised beds in the greenhouse. I had to do some adjustments on them and the ground around them, so it was a slow job. I kept going until light faded (6.23pm today), but at that stage I had less than half the first bag empty.
It was a lovely Spring day, although the sun never really appeared until sunset, which I couldn't resist photographing. I also got a book I ordered in the post today, Klaus Laitenberger's Vegetables and Herbs for the Greenhouse and Polytunnel which I have already started reading.  

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