Thursday 7 February 2019

Nettles and grass

There was lots of rain during the night which left many puddles around the greenhouse and along the fence where I recently planted bushes. I may have to figure out a way to drain this area. It started raining again around 5pm and is to continue for the night, followed by Storm Eric tomorrow. It sounds like it may not be too bad here compared with the West coast..

Nettle roots, which go on forever.
I took several barrows full of weeds, briars, roots and grass off this area earlier and found a concrete block, some missing hand tools and part of a bag of wood chip under it. There are loads of nettles, whose roots are extensive as they have been left growing for many years. I want to move the trampoline over here, so may need to dig them all out first. I will have to leave it awhile now though as my VegMix soil arrived late this evening and, as the driver couldn't get in my narrow gate, the palette is sitting at the side of the road. I am hoping the storm will be light enough here so that I can start to move it around the back bit by bit in the wheelbarrow tomorrow. I also have to go to collect my trees either tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning for planting day Saturday. Good weather is promised then at least.

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