Sunday 10 February 2019

50 trees planted

Friday turned out to be very stormy here, so plans to move the soil into the polytunnel and to collect the trees were put on hold. Yesterday morning I travelled to An Ghrian Glas farm and collected a selection of Alder, Oak, Birch, Rowan, Scott's Pine, Hazel and one Crab Apple tree. I only had an hour to start planting and got 16 in the ground before I had to leave. The weather turned wet after that anyway, but this morning was nice and sunny so I went out at 10am and got 23 more planted before I had to go away again. The final 11 were planted when I got back from town, thankfully just before the weather turned wet and windy again. The trees range in size from 20cm to 80cm at the moment. I am looking forward to seeing how they develop over the next few years.

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