Saturday 16 February 2019


I replaced another of the poster beds with more large pots. 

Woodchip paths
This is how the vegetable patch looked earlier today.

From the other side
Almost ready for woodchip path.
I cleared this bed with the hoe very easily. 
I had a very productive day today. The big bag of woodchip arrived yesterday evening and my neighbour moved it in from the road for me today, so I brought enough to the greenhouse to cover the paths with a fairly thick layer. Hopefully it will keep the weeds down, it's definitely better for walking on. There's loads left so I am going to replace the wooden squares with woodchip around the outside veg patch now too. The squares are at least ten years old and have been moved around lots, but many of them are now rotten. I'll reuse whatever has survived elsewhere. I've decided to change the layout of this area a bit too to make it easier to get around with the wheelbarrow. I started clearing some of it before dark.

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