Friday 22 February 2019

Taking shape

Sweet Pea getting bigger.

Red onion doing well too.

I cleared this area before lunch, chopped back the hedge, removed a willow tree and found stones for around the edge. It's quite shaded for much of the day and already has weed control fabric down, so I am going to get gravel for it and use it for pots.

My seeds from Brown Envelope Seeds arrived in the post today. I love how easy it now is to get Irish organic seed delivered to my door. I only ordered these online Wednesday night.

 I started this bed after lunch. It's another area that was never really used before. Half of it was under the old path and the rest was never finished. It was easy enough to clear though and is now over half filled with the Veggie Mix soil. The first bag of it is now empty. I think I will fill the other beds that are ready before I clear the last few beds, but I may change my mind tomorrow.

This area is really coming together now. 

Another beautiful sunset 

I plan to develop a proper rain water collection area around that little blue pool at some stage in the future.

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